Semester 1 Final Assessments Friday January 24, 2025- Block A Final Assessments Monday January 27, 2025-Block B Final Assessments Tuesday January 28, 2025-Block C Final Assessments Wednesday January 29, 2025-Block D Final Assessments Thursday January 30, 2025-Make Up Final Assessments |
Here is some important information as we head into our final assessment period.
Last Day of Semester Tomorrow & Good Luck:
It is hard to believe but tomorrow is the last day of the semester. We want to take a moment to wish each student the best of luck as you approach your final assessments. Remember to stay focused, manage your time wisely, and take care of yourselves during this busy period.
Final Assessment Schedule/First Day of Second Semester:
Friday January 24, 2025- Block A Final Assessments
Monday January 27, 2025-Block B Final Assessments
Tuesday January 28, 2025-Block C Final Assessments
Wednesday January 29, 2025-Block D Final Assessments
Thursday January 30, 2025-Make Up Final Assessments
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 - First Day of Second Semester
PowerSchool Access:
PS will be turned off on Friday, January 24th until Friday, February 7th. This will allow teachers to put in final marks and comments for the report card.
Report Cards:
Students will receive their first semester final report cards on Friday, February 7th @ 11:40 am.
Course Changes:
Given the size of our high school, many changes occur between semesters, including shifts in student schedules and teacher assignments.
Students' most updated schedules for the second semester is now on PS. They will receive a paper copy of their new schedules on February 4th, after which students will have the opportunity to request changes to their existing schedules until Sunday, February 9th.
The clicking or copying and pasting the link below will show students what blocks courses are being offered in. Please use this as a guideline when putting in course change requests.
To make a course change request, please click on or copy and paste the link below.
Bluefield High School
Parent Teacher Interview Sign Up
Parent teacher interviews will take place on the evening of Thursday, November 21st from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and Friday, November 22nd from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Interviews can be booked through Sign Up Genius. Please go to our website: Under the about tab, click on Parent Teacher Interviews.
Message from Bluefield Home and School
Hello Bluefield Families!
The Home and School Association would like your help to support the amazing Bluefield teachers as they extend their day to meet with parents during Parent Teacher interviews on November 21st, 2024. Please don't forget to sign up for interviews to connect to other important people in your children's lives.
Culinary students will be making supper for this evening as part of uniting the community. We ask parents/guardians to consider making a monetary donation to go toward the cost of supplies for this endeavor. You can e-transfer the school at and indicate it is for the Home and School or you can send in the donation by way of envelope to the office and have it marked "A donation for Home and School". Thank you so much for your support.
The next Bluefield Home and School Meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 26th at 6:30 p.m. in the staff lounge. New members are always welcome and can include parents/guardians and all those who work at Bluefield. If you have any potential agenda items, please send to
Thanks so much, everyone.
Compass Study
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Our school will be participating in the 2024-25 COMPASS survey. Researchers from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, in partnership with the PEI Department of Education and Early Years and the PEI Chief Public Health Office, will ask students to complete a 30-minute questionnaire about healthy eating, physical activity, sedentary behaviour, smoking, alcohol and drug-use, academic achievement, bullying and harassment, experiences of discrimination, and mental health. While your child(ren) will not benefit directly by participating, survey responses will help researchers gather details about youth health, and this information will be shared with our school to help improve school policies and practices related to health, which can benefit many students. Both the School board and our school have given approval to conduct the study. There are no known or anticipated risks to participation in this survey. If you would like to learn more about the COMPASS study, please visit the 'Information for Parents' section of the COMPASS website.
How Your Child Can Participate
On Monday, December 2, 2024, students in grades 10 to 12 with parental permission will be emailed a link and asked to take part in the online survey. Students are free to refuse to participate or to withdraw from the survey at any time, without penalty. You are encouraged to talk with your child(ren) about the importance of completing this survey. The link will remain active for two weeks.
How to Withdraw Your Child
The COMPASS Survey uses an active information 'passive consent model' which means that a letter (this one) that describes the nature of the study will be provided to parents/guardians. The parent/guardian is asked to contact the research team should they not want their child to participate. At any time during the consent process or during the data collection, an eligible student is allowed to decline to participate or withdraw from the study.
If you do not wish for your child to participate, please contact the PEI COMPASS Research Project Lead, Cody Davenport, at or by phone at (902) 370-8642 by 3:00pm on Saturday, November 30, 2024. Permission will be assumed unless you notify us otherwise. In your email, please include:
- your child's name,
- your child's grade,
- the name of your child's school
Your child's name will not appear on the questionnaire at any time. Your identity is therefore entirely confidential and private. The researchers do not have access to personal information on the child answering the questionnaire. We will provide your child’s school with a report that will include details on the health and wellbeing of students in the school. The results of the study will only be reported at a summary level (e.g., the total percentage [%] of students at the school that met the physical activity guidelines).
Youth responses are anonymous. The first few questions of the questionnaire are used to create a unique code from non-identifying information provided by the student. In order to ensure anonymity, COMPASS does not collect the names and other information required to match codes to participants. This means that it is not possible to remove responses after completing and submitting the questionnaire. The school only receives the combined results and does not receive individual data with these codes. The research team does not have access to any names of students attending the school at any time. This strategy ensures total confidentiality and respondent anonymity, as well as the possibility for the researchers to link responses from one year to the next.
Data Retention
COMPASS is a national study led by the University of Waterloo. Data collection in PEI is coordinated by the PEI Chief Public Health Office. The survey data will be stored on secure servers at the University of Waterloo for a minimum of 7 years, but it may be retained indefinitely. Data retention is used for a variety of purposes including university policy and scientific teams’ research (e.g., tracking youth health trends over time). Only research staff will have access to the data. It is not possible to identify individuals in the dataset because student names are not collected.
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board (REB [30118]). If you have questions for the Board, contact the Office of Research Ethics, toll-free at 1-833-643-2379 (Canada and USA), 1-519-888-4440, or This project was also reviewed and received approval from the DEEY/PSB/CSLF External Research Review Committee. Questions for the PEI Department of Education and Early Years External Research Review Committee can be sent to Sterling Carruthers, School Health Specialist, at
To view a copy of the survey questions or for more information about the COMPASS project, please visit, or contact the PEI COMPASS Research Project Lead, Cody Davenport, at
Good morning,
As we stride into the next phase of the academic year, we would like to share some upcoming events and important dates to mark on your calendars for the month of November.
Remembrance Day Assembly:
The Remembrance Day assembly will take place on Wednesday, November 6th @ 10:20 am.
No School on the Following Dates:
- November 7, 8 - PEITF Convention / CUPE 1770, 1775, 1145, 3260 Annual Convention (no classes)
- November 11 - Remembrance Day (no classes)
Graduation Photos:
Grade 12 graduation photos will be taking place at Bluefield from November 12th until November 25th. For more details, please visit the link below.
School Photos:
Bluefield will have school pictures on November 14th and picture retakes on December 11th.
Bluefield Christmas Craft Fair:
Bluefield High School is happy to announce that their Christmas Craft Fair will be held on Friday November 15th, from 5:30pm – 9:00pm, and Saturday November the 16th from 10am – 5pm. Over 100 vendors will be present with Christmas decorations, pottery, fibre arts, candles, jewelry and more! There will be a bake sale, canteen with hot cider, and many door prizes and raffles. Please join us at 924 Colville Road (Rte 9) in North Wiltshire. Admission is 3$ and children under 12 are free.
As part of their fundraising efforts Bluefield Band will also be selling vouchers for poinsettias at the craft fair. Vouchers will cost $25 (cash) and buyers will then go to VK Greenhouses ( formerly known as VanKampens, 58 Allen Street, Charlottetown) to choose and pick up their poinsettias. In addition there is an opportunity to purchase poinsettias online to support the band at
Report Cards:
Students will be receiving their midterm report cards on Thursday, November 21st.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Parent teacher interviews will take place on the evening of Thursday, November 21st from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and Friday, November 22nd from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
It is a time to talk to your students about their academics and the connections they are making at school. Research shows that having a greater sense of belonging is associated with higher academic performance, persistence, and positive mental health.
This is also a great opportunity for parents and guardians to meet with teachers, discuss their students' progress, academics and the connections they are making at school. Research shows that having a greater sense of belonging is associated with higher academic performance, persistence, and positive mental health. It’s a great way for home and school to work together to help support your student.
Parents and Guardians can sign up for Interviews through Sign Up Genius, which will be uploaded to our website in the coming weeks. More details to come.
Thank you parents and guardians for reinforcing the importance of students attending and engaging in school.
Holland College and UPEI Accessibility Services:
Bluefield will be offering an information session intended for parents/guardians of any grade 12 student who has a learning diagnosis and is transitioning to post-secondary on Thursday, November 21st at 5pm in the Cafeteria. Holland College and UPEI Accessibility Services will be here to discuss supports that are available to students who have a learning diagnosis. More information to come soon.
MADD Canada:
Representatives from MADD Canada will be coming to our school to deliver their 60 minutes presentation to our entire school body on Thursday November 28th at 9:15 am.
Student Services Update:
November 5th - CAMRT – Medical Radiation Technologist from 10:55 am to 11:40 am.
November 12th - Carleton University – 9:45 am to 10:30 am in Student Services.
November 14th - Fisheries & Marine Institute Memorial University- 10:55 am to 11:40 am in Student Services.
November 28th - University of King’s College 11:40 am 12:20 pm.
November 28th - Universite de Moncton Kiosk at lunchtime
Bluefield High School